Monday, February 13, 2017

Daily Yopp! - 2.13.17 Valentines for our Women Warriors

Some of you might have seen this one going around, but it's still worth posting:

"Sometimes music requires players or singers to hold a note longer than they actually can hold a note. In those cases, we were taught to mindfully stagger when we took a breath so the sound appeared uninterrupted. Everyone got to breathe, and the music stayed strong and vibrant. Yesterday, I read an article that suggested the administration's litany of bad executive orders (more expected on LGBTQ next week) is a way of giving us "protest fatigue" - we will literally lose our will to continue the fight in the face of the onslaught of negative action. Let's remember MUSIC. Take a breath. The rest of the chorus will sing. The rest of the band will play. Rejoin so others can breathe. Together, we can sustain a very long, beautiful song for a very, very long time. You don’t have to do it all, but you must add your voice to the song. With special love to all the musicians and music teachers in my life."

I heard it attributed to Madonna, but I can't verify that. I can verify that in choir I was taught exactly what it says, so the information is legit.

Today's Yopp! is a blend of two CTAs from Solidarity Sundays, a national network of activist groups. The group I facilitate, Justice Scouts of Maxwell Park, is affiliated with SolSun. We met yesterday and did this action (and had some great discussions). It's a fun one, so get some nice stationary and get ready.


With all the yuck that's been happening in DC, there are quite a few badass women out there on the front lines slugging it out. Let's send them some Valentine's Day cards and postcards to show how much we appreciate their efforts.

The cards won't arrive by Valentine's Day, so for the MoCs, send them to their regional offices since Congress is on recess. Better yet, hand deliver the cards if you can!

NOTE: Unverified rumor has it that cards in envelopes are taking longer to get to the MoCs than postcards. Factor that in whenever you are writing something that is time-sensitive.

Here's some options for your "love notes":

Sen Elizabeth Warren
2400 JFK Federal Building
15 New Sudbury Street
Boston, MA 02203

  • Rep. Stephanie Murphy (FL)  for introducing H.R. 804, the Protecting the National Security Council from Political Interference Act of 2017, which would restructure the NSC and remove Steve Bannon. Murphy is a newly-elected Rep, and the first Vietnamese-American woman elected to Congress, so extra thanks for taking such bold action so early in her Congressional career
Rep Stephanie Murphy
225 E Robinson, Suite 525
Orlando, FL 32801

  • Rep. Beth Fukumoto for standing up for justice regardless of her party affiliation, and for refusing to endorse the racist, misogynist rhetoric of the DT Administration. Up until recently Fukumoto was the Republican Minority Leader in the Hawaiian State House of Representatives—that is, until the 33-year old “moderate conservative” gave a speech at the Women’s March in Hawaii, where she decried the racism and sexism of DT’s campaign. Her colleagues ousted her the next day, prompting her to issue a letter stating that she is considering leaving the GOP.
Rep. Beth Fukumoto
415 S. Beretania St., Room 333
Honolulu, HI 96813

The Honorable Judge Ann Donnelly
225 Cadman Plaza East
Courtroom 4GN
Brooklyn, New York 11201

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand
780 Third Avenue Suite 2601
New York, New York 10017

Rep. Maxine Waters
10124 South Broadway, Suite 1
Los Angeles, CA 90003

Rep. Nancy Pelosi
90 7th Street Suite 2-800
San Francisco, CA 94103

Rep. Barbara Lee
1301 Clay Street, Ste. 1000-N
Oakland, CA 94612

And for those who didn't get enough to read with all the above, here's an op-ed about the long-term impact of Rule 19 being invoked against Elizabeth Warren.


Yours in Solidarity!

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