Thursday, February 16, 2017

Daily Yopp! 2.16.17 - What to Do About That Whole Russia Thing

Content for this is similar to the Yopp! from a couple days ago, but we really need to go full court press on this issue. This Yopp! comes from the folks at The Sixty Five.
BREAKING NEWS! National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, has resigned! However, serious questions about the President's involvement in this scandal remain, so let's keep the pressure on!  
CALL TO ACTION: Call all three of your MoCs (Members of Congress) with this script. If the call fails, then email them.
Hi, I'm [NAME], a constituent. 
I'm calling to urge the [Senator/Representative's NAME] to demand full transparency about Michael Flynn's communication with Russia in the months prior to Donald Trump's inauguration. Although Flynn has resigned, there are still serious unanswered questions about the extent of the President's involvement. The American people deserve to know what President Trump knew and when he knew it. Tell the [Senator/Representative's NAME] that I want them to condemn Flynn's actions in the strongest possible terms, and continue to push for an exhaustive investigation into the entire administration's communications with Russia both during the election and in the months after. if you just want to do the Yopp! and be done with it, you can stop there. But if you'd like to get up in arms, then read this post from Michael Moore:

Stunning bombshell right now from the New York Times -- Trump campaign chair, campaign officials and Trump associates made repeated contacts and calls with Russian intelligence during the YEAR leading up to the election. 
It's what we all suspected. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what was going on: TRUMP COLLUDING WITH THE RUSSIANS TO THROW THE ELECTION TO HIM. 
So this is what I want done NOW: 
1. I and tens of millions of Americans demand that the weak and spineless Democrats bring Congress to a halt until investigative hearings are held and impeachment charges are filed. We don't want to hear you Dems huff and puff and grandstand and take symbolic actions. We demand that you halt all actions being taken by an illegitimately elected government until this matter is resolved. 
2. Attorney General J Beauregard Sessions must immediately appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate these potentially treasonous acts. 
3. So-Called President Trump could save the country a lot of time, money and pain by stepping down tonight. 
4. Somehow, our judicial system has to find a way to make restitution to this country. Pence can't be president as he, too, was elected under this same fraud. The court has to rule either that the President is the winner of the popular vote OR the election must be held over. The Republicans-- the beneficiaries of this treason --cannot be allowed to hold on to the power by default. If it turns out there's a traitor in the White House, the judicial branch must find a fair, peaceful way to un-do and then re-do the election of 2016. 

And there's this less verified post from a friend of a friend of a friend....(aka, viral cut and paste on Facebook):
People, I just had a VERY interesting conversation with the minority comment line for the House Intelligence Committee. It turns out that the minority (Democrat) members of the Committee have been QUIETLY investigating the connections between DJT and the Russians for the last month, since the Sally Yates notification and her subsequent firing.The woman I spoke to compared the firing of Yates to Archibald Cox's firing during Nixon. She said, "I'm a lot older than you, and trust me, there are more similarities here than you might realize." 
She URGED me, SEVERAL TIMES, to have everyone I know call the House Intelligence Committee Majority (Republican) comment line to tell Nunes and the Republicans 1) that you are outraged at Nunes' statement of support of Mike Flynn (see below) and 2) to open a formal investigation into Russia's influence over Trump et. al. 
The number for the majority House Intel line is 202-225-4121. 
I just called them. They picked up on the first ring. the realm of God-I-Needed-To-Hear-That, there's this article that professes that the intelligence community is poised to take down Tr*mp. Could be total BS, but sometimes you need that sort of thing to keep you going.

So have cuppa and bask in the momentary bliss of two battles won (add in that Puzder pulled himself out of the nomination as Labor Secretary). Then get back in and make some calls.

Yours in Solidarity!

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