Thursday, February 23, 2017

Daily Yopp! 2.23.17 - Defend Transgender/Queer Youth

This Yopp! is from a post by Kate Schatz of Solidarity Sundays, BUT I can personally attest to the legitimacy and importance of this issue because I was one of nine representatives of Solidarity Sundays who met with Senator Dianne Feinstein's staff in her San Francisco office today. Senator Feinstein was originally scheduled to be at this meeting, but her knee replacement went out and she was on doctor's orders to rest it. Very disappointing for our group initially, but we made the best of it and ended up talking with her staff about twice as long as we might have otherwise.

So...more on that meeting later after the SolSun group has a chance to debrief, but for now here's a fully vetted Yopp! Sorry (not sorry) for Kate's quasi-cursing and fierce tone.

The news about 45's administration rescinding the Obama rules on transgender students and bathroom use is...just...f*&%ing...Ok, it's not SURPRISING because DUH they are EVIL, but also...really?! THIS is your priority?! Also, to be clear: this is an attack on the queer + trans community, and it's NOT just about bathrooms. It's not about "safety". They can't just "make trans people illegal" so this is a way to chip away at trans rights (and it does so in an intimate, invasive, personal way). This is not unlike the anti-abortion TRAP laws—they can't overturn Roe v Wade (yet), so they'll just figure out all kinds of shitty ways to restrict and limit access. 
#ACTION: Please call your MoCs and let them know how you feel. 
"I'm calling because of Trump's decision to rescind the rules about transgender students and the restrooms they use. This is transphobic, unnecessary, and dangerous for our gender nonconforming youth who already face bullying, assault, and high suicide rates. This does NOT make our young people safer, and should NOT be a priority of the administration."

#ACTION: Contact your school district and inquire about THEIR policies around this—how will this announcement impact their existing policies? What policies do they have in place to protect and support trans students? LET THEM KNOW THAT YOU SUPPORT TRANS STUDENTS AND FAMILIES. 
#ACTION: Want to add some $$$ to it? Donate to the Transgender Law Center and/or The Sylvia Rivera Law Project…/trump-administration-rescinds-obama-ru… 

For those of you who need a primer on transgender issues, here's something from the Human Rights Campaign.

That's it for now. There will be additional follow up from this meeting in the near future.

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