Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Daily Yopp! 1.11.17 - Support the ACA

Slightly shorter, but still a pithy little Yopp! Cabinet confirmations are still burning HOT, but I thought I'd move to the GOP's attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act (aka "Obamacare").

Here's what my sisters with Solidarity Sundays had to say:

"Last night Senate Dems took to the floor for a "talk-a-thon" in support of the ACA. Today we make calls to support them and echo the sentiments of the VAST majority of Americans: Repealing the ACA WITHOUT a viable replacement is a literal death sentence for hundreds of thousands of Americans. Repealing the ACA is the top priority for the GOP and there is a VERY good chance that it won't happen. Public pressure is mounting, and a handful of GOP Senators have expressed concern—some want to wait for a replacement, some don't want Planned Parenthood defunding to be included (Collins and Murkowski), etc.

The Dems are TOTALLY unified on this and will NOT compromise. It will take THREE GOP Senators to deny this effort, and if that happens it will be a huge win for every single American whose life depends on the ACA, AND for #TheResistance.

1. CONTACT YOUR REPS TODAY (you have the numbers saved in your phone, RIGHT?!) If your Rep is a Dem who spoke on the floor last night, thank her/him! If your Rep is GOP, let her/him know that repealing the ACA without a replacement is the worst idea ever. This is a time to be VERY personal with calls—share your healthcare stories, or speak on behalf of someone you know who relies on Medicare, the ACA, etc. A basic call script is:

"Hi, my name is ________ and I'm calling to voice my support for the Affordable Care Act. Repealing without a viable replacement would be an absolute disaster for millions of hardworking Americans, including children, seniors, and those with special needs and disabilities. People will die if this happens, period."

2. IF YOUR REP IS ONE OF THE REPUBS who is a potential NO vote (has indicated they don't support repeal w/out replace, or cosponsored the delay bill, CALL THEM AND KEEP THE PRESSURE ON!"

Rand Paul (KY)
Lisa Murkowski (AL)
Bob Corker (TN)
Rob Portman (OH)
Susan Collins (ME)
Bill Cassidy (LA)
Tom Cotton (AR)
Lamar Alexander (TN)
Jeff Flake (AZ)
Mitch McConnell (KY)

"Last night Senators took to the floor to share stories of Americans who will DIE if the ACA is repealed. I stand with the overwhelmingly majority of the American people when I say that you cannot repeal without a replacement. That would be an absolute disaster for millions of hardworking Americans, including children, seniors, and those with special needs and disabilities. People will die if this happens, period."

3. On a nationwide conference call last night, Senators Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren both spoke of the importance of people reaching out to family and friends who NEED the ACA, to encourage THEM to contact their Reps as well. This is an issue where Trump-supporters and people on the left may find common ground—your Trump-voting Uncle might be totally screwed without Medicare. So! DO WHAT ELIZABETH TOLD US TO DO, and reach out to someone, anyone, who *might* not otherwise be inclined to call their Reps about a political issue. Encourage them to call and tell their story."

4. The MOST important thing you can do is spread the word. I've been doing some door knocking and colleague talking over the past few weeks. It is shocking how many people who share our beliefs are still holding back and not calling their representatives, sending letters, etc. Help them understand that their one voice could be the tipping point. As Dr. Seuss said, "We've GOT to make noises in greater amounts! So open your mouth, lad. EVERY voice counts!!"
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