Thursday, January 5, 2017

Daily Yopp! 1/5/17

A lot of people don't know this, but Congress will be ratifying the Electoral College vote tomorrow (Friday, January 6) in a joint session. Basically, they count all those schmancy sealed votes from each state and officially declare the winner. Total pomp and circumstance, but still an official part of the process.

That said, being that pretty much everything with this election is "unpresidented," there is some question about the legitimacy of some of those votes. (See the attached link for details.)

So today's Yopp! is to contact your MoC (Member of Congress) and ask the House member to formally object to the vote and the Senators to sign on to any objection.

Here's the script:

HOUSE: I am calling Representative ______ to express my concern about ineligible delegates casting votes in their states' Electoral College proceedings. I would like Representative ______ to formally object to the ratification of the vote so that Congress can investigate the legitimacy of this election.

SENATE: I am calling Senator _______ to ask that she/he sign on to any objection by a member of the House to the ratification of the Electoral College vote. I am deeply concerned that there were irregularities with regards to delegates in some states and would like both houses of Congress to debate the matter.

Reality Check. Don't get too excited. This is beyond a Hail Mary pass. This is the crowd cheering for the referees to review The Play at the end of the infamous Stanford-Cal game in 1982. The goal here is to underscore that Congress has power that it is not using and that We the People are watching them Every. Single. Day.

For some perspective, I had a lovely chat with the staffers in my representative's office this morning and yesterday. They are definitely noticing that we are up in arms. Today I was asked if this particular issue is part of a national call-in campaign. I told her that it's not (yet), but that there is a strong grassroots movement to put pressure on Congress. What we are doing is working!! Keep it up!

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Questions about Electoral College Vote

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