Friday, January 27, 2017

Daily Yopp! 1.27.17 - Take a Break!

Lately, I've noticed a slew of action alerts popping up on Facebook and other social media that have turned out to be either misinformed or possibly deliberate attempts to waste our energy. I also have been spending time spinning my wheels trying to call my representatives only to be frustrated by busy signals and full mailboxes.We need to recognize that we're in this for the long haul. There will be plenty of letters to write and calls to make and all things to do. But what's most important is YOU.
I'm harvesting today's Yopp! from Solidarity Sundays. I believe it was written by my pal Kate Schatz (whose awesome books I'm gonna plug at the end). She put this up on Thursday, but I'm posting it on Friday. She also took a chunk of her post from Mikki Halpin.

You guys! Today's action is to Take A Break. Turn off the news. Get off the Facebook. Install the Chrome extension that replaces Tr*mp's face with kittens (seriously--it's amazing). As many are saying: This is not a sprint. It's not even a marathon, because w/ a marathon we know exactly how long it is, and we usually know the course. This is more like...a mystery ultra-slog in an unfamiliar universe. And we need stamina! We need to sustain. We need each other and we need to take breaks and look away and immerse ourselves in the daily aspects of life that we love. I know it's Thursday and you're probably at work, so it's not like everyone's gonna take a bubble bath and eat chocolate all day, but hopefully you can find ways to take care of yourself. 
The entire GOP Congressional crew is on a retreat in Philly right now, so Congress will be quiet today and tomorrow. If you want to still make calls today, go ahead! Call your Senators again! But also it's totally OK if you want to chill. the. eff. out. 
Below find some words of wisdom from writer/editor/activist/wise woman Mikki Halpin:
"Here is how I would suggest you take a step back and think about how you are going to be a change maker now and in the years to come. 
Think about all of the things swirling around you, all the opportunities you have to do things and act on your values and choose these three things: 
  • One thing to be a leader on
  • ​One thing to be a follower on
  • One thing to make a habit of 
Organizing your energy in this way is really helpful. It helps you make decisions and conserve energy as things come up. It doesn't mean you can't or won't do other things, but these are your three things. 
Here is a little more detail. 
One thing to be a leader on. This is something where you take charge of or are part of the leadership group for. Maybe it's a movement to make your city a sanctuary city, or to sustain an abortion fund in an anti-choice state, or to support a local shelter, or to get someone you believe in elected to attorney general or some other office. Maybe you want to lead your local chapter of Emily's List or something. This is something where you are going to be helping direct others and plot the course. It will be your priority. 
One thing to be a follower on. This is a group or a cause that you join, and participate in actively, but let others take the lead on. This may be a preexisting group, like a BLM group, or a group working to support DAPL, or something a friend is doing. It could be joining an Indivisible group that you like and going along with what they plan. This takes a little less topline energy from you, but you are still working to make something happen. You participate, you contribute ideas, you do outreach, but you have less responsibility that you would if you were a leader. You help with the fundraiser but you aren't in charge of it. 
One thing to make a habit of. This is something you just do, every week or every day or every month, whether it's being a clinic escort twice a month, or donating to a certain cause every month, or working at a soup kitchen every week, doing cop watch twice a week, or making the daily phone call scripts that we all get. Maybe, to start with, it's the Women's March 10 Actions/100 Days Initiative. It's something you are committed to, and you do, but you are bearing the fruits of someone else making an opportunity for you to participate with some ease. 
I'm finding this a really good framework to organize my thoughts and energy and I think it might be helpful for you all as well. Please share it with others if it helps you."
Also, for real: If you're a Chrome user, get this kitten extension! It's amazing!
XOXOXOXO love + solidarity XOXOXOXO

So there ya go. Chill. Take a break. Relax. And if you are inspired to learn more about any of the above stuff, here are some nifty links.

Kate Schatz
Rad American Women A to Z
Rad Women Worldwide
Mikki Halpin
Make America Kittens

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