Saturday, January 7, 2017

Daily Yopp! 1.7.17

Well, it's the weekend and our representatives' offices are closed (or at least getting a respite from answering the phone). As such, we'll focus our Yopp! on something else - Connecting with a local action group!

Tomorrow, many locally-based chapters of Solidarity Sundays, a national network of political and social action groups, are holding house parties to organize and implement various activities for the next month. There are many other activist groups that have been around or are just now springing up. Bottomline...each and every one of us needs to get connected to at least one group. Ideally, this should be a group that actually meets in person and does actual stuff besides griping on Facebook or Twitter.

So today's Yopp! is this:

1. If you are not in a local action group, FIND ONE and make plans to ATTEND A MEETING.

2. If you are in a group, do some OUTREACH to get other people to join or form their own chapter.

The key things are that the group should be locally-based, focused on specific action (calling or letter writing campaigns, planning or participating in demonstrations, planning or participating in strikes or boycotts, fundraising for organizations, etc), and committed to meeting in person at least once a month. Beyond that, it's up to you.

Feel free to choose something that fits in with stuff that's important to you. For example, my sister-in-law and mother-in-law are into quilting and knitting. After the Orlando nightclub shooting, they and some quilting friends made a bunch of quilts for people in the LGBT community as a show of solidarity, and recently they've taken to knitting a bunch of pink hats for the upcoming women's marches. AWESOME!! Maybe you're a member of a church. Then form a group with other members of your church!

That's it for today. Next week is gonna be super busy with calling, so if you're on the West Coast or in Hawaii, I suggest you set your alarm a little earlier so you can call DC when their offices open. Most of them start picking up the phones around 9am. Tomorrow's Yopp! will involve postcards, so if you have a chance, pick up at least three postcards today in preparation.

Yours in Solidarity!

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